Cold Brew

The  coolest way to brew 

This method of slowly brewing coffee over a period of hours has become incredibly popular over the past few years. With a little planning and preparation you will be rewarded with a crystalline, concentrated brew. Cold brewing your coffee is a great way to avoid acidity if you have a sensitive stomach. You can brew large batches at a time and store it for several days in the fridge, and if you are not a fan of cold coffee, it can be served hot too!

What You Will Need:

Cold Brewer Vessel
Coffee - Ground Course - 454 grams (1 pound)
Water - 2 liters (about .5 gallon)
Time: 8 - 24 hours

How To:

  • Measure out your water
  • Place your filter inside the basket of your preferred method of cold brewing
  • Grind your coffee and place it into the filter
  • Pour your water over the grounds in small concentric circles, making sure the distribution is even
  • Submerge and stir the ground with a wooden spoon to ensure even saturation
  • Secure a lid on top and let steep for 12-24 hours (adjust time to taste)



Using a Chemex brewer is easy!

This visually distinctive brewer was invented by Peter Schlumbohm in 1941 and has achieved an iconic role in popular culture. Noted design author Ralph Caplan described the coffeemaker as “a synthesis of logic and madness” and “one of the few modern designs for which one can feel affection as well as admiration.” It has even been added to the permanent collections of art and design museums, including New York’s Museum of Modern Art.

What You Will Need:

Coffee - 42 grams
Gooseneck Kettle - 195 - 205 degrees
Chemex Brewer
Brew time - about 4 minutes

How To:

Heat your water to between 195 - 205 degrees, or just off the boil. 
Weigh out 42 grams of coffee and grind your coffee - you are looking for a medium to coarse grind for this method, about the size of kosher salt.
  • Begin by opening your Chemex filter and placing it in your brewer with the triple-fold portion against the pour spout and the single-fold facing away. With your kettle, wet the filter evenly to remove any fibers, ensure an even seal, and to preheat the brewer. Let stand for 30 seconds and discard rinse water through the pour spout. 
  • Pour 42 grams of medium - coarse ground coffee into the filter and give the brewer a gentle shake to level the coffee
  • First Pour - Bloom - Beginning at the center and slowly spiraling outward, gently pour twice the amount of water than you have grounds and give a gently stir to ensure even saturation. This process releases the gasses trapped inside the coffee. Let bloom 30-45 seconds. 
  • Second Pour - Slowly pour water evenly over the grounds, in a spiral pattern until you reach 400 grams. Make sure you do not pour water over the rim. Let drip until about one inch from the bottom of the filter.
  • Last Pour - Starting at the edge of the filter and going around until you reach the center, slowly pour 300 grams of water.
  • Let water drip through the coffee completely, discard filter. Serve and enjoy.


French Press

Bold and Flavorful!

The French Press, or coffee plunger, uses immersion brewing that provides bold and full-bodied cup. It bridges the gap between the speed and convenience of a drip coffee maker and the robust flavors of espresso.

Making coffee via French press is more art than science. There are a few basics to follow, but beyond that, everyone has their own "recipe." The personalization of your morning cup of coffee is part of the fun of using a French press. 
You will want to use a coarse ground coffee for this method.

What You Will Need:

French Press
Coffee - 56 grams - ground coarse
Gooseneck Kettle - 195 - 205 degrees
Wooden spoon - so as not to crack the glass
Brew time - about 4 minutes

How To:

  • Begin by pouring hot water into the French Press to warm the carafe. Fill completely, replace lid and plunge. Let stand for a minute or two. While you wait, grind your coffee!
  • Discard water from the french press and pour in your coarse, freshly ground coffee (56 grams or 8 tbsp). Level the bed.
  • Pour enough water to fill the French press half way. Let stand for 1 minute. 
  • “Break” the crust and stir well with a wooden spoon. Fill the French Press up to the top of the metal ring and replace the lid, pushing the plunger until it just touches the grounds, creating a seal. 
  • Let brew 4 minutes.
  • At the 4 minute mark, using just the weight of your hand, slowly push the plunger all the way down. Once the plunger reached the bottom, pull it back just off the grounds for easier clean up. 
  • Pour two cups for yourself and a friend. Sit. Sip. 


Automatic Drip Coffee Maker

Automatically delicious!

While we all would love a hand-brewed cup of coffee to start our day, sometimes you just need to press a button and let the machine do the work for you. The first automatic drop brewer was patented in the 1950’s and since has become a staple in nearly every home. This method is quick and foolproof!

What You Will Need:


How To:

  • Start by pouring water into the reservoir
  • Place filter into the basket
  • Add your freshly ground coffee to the freshly filtered basket (remember, 2 Tbsp per 6 oz Water)
  • Turn on your coffeemaker and within minutes you’ll be enjoying a steaming cup of fresh coffee.